Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

I chose to do the Score Your Diet test. I chose this one because I like to think that I eat healthy most of the time. I did not however have a very good environmental score, looks like I have a bit of work to do.
 1. My Health score was 46, environmental score of -27, animal welfare score of -19, and my grand total was 0. I scored in the "Uh-oh, you need help!" category.
2. I scored the highest on fruits and vegetables. I eat a lot of these types of foods to try to be healthy and because they taste good. I do not buy organic fruits or vegetables, I would be open to switching but I don't as I am use to non-organic fruits and vegetables.
3. I scored the lowest in milk and dairy. I tend to drink a glass of milk every other day but have milk everyday with my morning cereal. I had negative numbers across all categories of milk and dairy.
4. I need to improve in all categories. To do this I can make sure that I am more conscious about what I buy at the grocery store. Next time I go to the grocery store (which wont be for awhile considering I went right before I did this assignment) I want to buy a few organic fruits and see if I like them better or if they taste the same as non-organic fruits. I can also make sure that when I buy meat, I buy lean or extra lean as it is more healthy. I am good about buying some low-fat items like butter, yogurt, and crackers, but I should switch to low-fat cheese and a few other foods.
I don't think I would ever switch to eating no meat. One of my roommates is a vegan, I think it would be too hard for me considering how much I like meat. I respect that she does this because she eats really healthy and is inspiring to people and helps them make small changes in their life and diet. I know that I can improve in the things that I eat, as do most people but it is always the idea of changing, for me I always have to make change gradual.


  1. Was this activity as eye opening for you as it was for me? A big reality check on what I have been eating, specially on the animal welfare section.

  2. I did this test as well and my results were very similar. I had a good health score but poor animal welfare and environmental scores. I was surprised by my results, I thought they would have been a little better.

  3. I tried the vegan thing once and it didnt work at all. I dont think its that healthy either but who knows.
