Thursday, October 15, 2009

Share & Voice: 10 ways to Go Green and Save Green

As part of Blog Action Day 2009, I am posting about 10 ways to Go Green and Save Green. Blog Action Day 2009 is all about climate change. People all over the world are blogging about food, travel, events, business, politics, among other topics. I think this is such a cool idea that every year on October 15th people blog about a topic that impacts everyone across the world.

10 ways to Go Green and Save Green:
1. Save energy to save money
2. Save water to save money
3. Less gas = more money (and better health!)
4. Eat smart
5. Skip the bottled water
6. Think before you buy
7. Borrow instead of buying
8. Buy smart
9. Keep electronics out of the trash
10. Make your own cleaning supplies (by using vinegar, baking soda, lemon, and soap)

It is so cool that a lot of these things we are already doing in class. I was so interested to read about making your own cleaning supplies! I think that is so awesome, I think I will have to try it myself. Another interesting fact I read was that you should wash clothes in cold water whenever possible, as much as 85% of the energy used to machine wash clothes goes to heating the water. There are a lot of things on this list that can help everyone save time and money for yourself and packaging and other wasteful components of new products. Hope everyone learned something new from my blog, I know I did.

Go Bulldogs!



  1. This is cool . I know one thing I catch myself doing alot now is thinking before I buy stuff,

  2. This is an interesting list. I think they are all great ideas, although it's hard to imagine using vinegar and baking soda for cleaning supplies.

  3. I think making your own cleaning supplies would be fun. I've always wanted to try it. Maybe a class activity? Hmmm...
