Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Share & Voice: Kill a Newspaper, Save a Tree?

This week a found an article from Business Week. The title of this article is Kill a Newspaper, Save a Tree? Not Quite, this caught my attention. This article talked a little bit about how there are less newspaper subscribers now. In 1984 there were 63.3 million subscribers, and in 2008 it was recorded there was only 48.6 million, and still it is decreasing. The article also states that it may not be that environmentally friendly to read newspapers online because they want you to take into account what it takes to make a computer. Who knows which choice is really best, I guess we will just have to wait and see whats in the news about newspapers.

At home we recently canceled our newspaper, not specifically to save money or a tree but simply because none of us read it enough to feel it was worth all that paper. I tend to read articles in the newspaper only occasionally and am a big fan of the Sunday advertisements. At first I was slightly disappointed because I do enjoy reading the newspaper and how would I know what was on sale. I soon was okay with it because it is free to subscribe to the newspaper online, by signing up you can go on the website and look at all your favorite articles. I also began to realize that most companies put their weekly advertisements on their web-site. Now every Sunday I simply go to my favorite web-site (Target and others) and look at their advertisement and sale items online. Whether or not this is actually saving on paper, I am not sure.


  1. We did the same thing at our house. Its hard to keep having all the papers stack up and noone reads them

  2. This is a great idea. I think it's only a matter of time before newspapers are overcome by online news papers and other forms of electronic media.
