The third week of Environmental Health I met with Steve for 15 minutes to go over the progress of my blog and to make sure I was understanding how to use everything. During this session I was able to learn a lot more about blogging and even some short cuts. I learned how to schedule a posting so that if I choose to work on an assignment a few days ahead of time I don't have to submit it at that moment. I also learned how to view the people I am following in Google Reader. Google Reader makes posts much easier to find and read.
The fourth week of Environmental Health the classed played a game quizzing everyone on what we had previously learned. This was a great way to get the class involved and to teach others, the best part was everyone got a prize when they answered the question correctly. From the quiz I learned more about navigating the course homepage. In class we also discussed what we plan to do for our lifestyle changes, I am excited to read about what everyone chooses to do. During the second portion of class we watched An Inconvenient Truth with Al Gore. One thing that I learned from the movie was that 10 out of the last 14 years have been the hottest recorded years. 2005 was the hottest year, this seems to be a trend and one that is not easily fixable. I also learned about how weasel words are used to get people to believe one thing when really it may not be completely true or accurate. This movie was a huge eye opener, especially with a person of political power like Al Gore. Al Gore went public with this information which it appeared the government didn't want people to know about.
Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the changing colors!
Black Kid Crying Meme With Cross
1 year ago