Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reflection Post: Week 5 & 6

In the fifth week of Environmental Health we watched a movie called The Future of Food. I found this movie to be very interesting and eye opening. I could not believe how much is going on that I simply am unaware of. The main point of the movie was about a big company called Monsanto who was suing large land farmers for infringement on their patent. They were able to do this because it is a law that you can patent almost anything. I also was shocked how many of the people that worked for Monsanto went back and forth between Monsanto and The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Linda Fisher was one of these people and I think that she actually went from Monsanto to the EPA to Monsanto to the EPA, now who knows where she is working.
In the sixth week of Environmental Health we watched a movie called Diet for a New America. Although the movie was over 15 years old, many of the facts are still present today. Not a lot of people are changing their ways even though more of America is becoming obese. The movie was mainly given from a man who chose not to take his fathers famous ice cream business and set out to do other things like create more awareness of what is going on in America. I found this movie to be interesting. I don't think America will be doing much changing in regard to the weight issue because it has been 15 years since this movie and it seems we aren't any healthier, if anything may be a little more unhealthy. We also learned how to put a picture in the main box of our blog page. I took my picture when I was at Gooseberry Falls this Fall. It is fun to look at everyone's pictures they put up on their blog.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

1. My SMART goal is to use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic water bottle everyday for the rest of the semester and hopefully the rest of my life.I was able to achieve my smart goal because last week, my plan was to finish the two water bottles I currently had. I successfully drank the last two water bottles and drank from my reusable water bottle the entire week!

2. It was again challenging to remember to grab my water bottle and fill it up before I left. I am thinking of leaving one of my water bottles at school in my locker so that if I do forget one I can always have one there and will not have to buy water. Then of course bring it home on weekends and switch out water bottles. I think it is also going to be a little bit challenging this weekend because I am going home. At home is where I got started on drinking from a plastic water bottle.

3. I felt very accomplished this week. I felt them as I was thinking about what I was going to write and realized that I was able to accomplish my goals for the week. I hope my goal continues to go well and that I am able to stick to it so I can continue to fell good about doing my part.

4. This week I learned that my goal might be a little easier than I expected it to be. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make it a little more challenging I am open to suggestions.I hope to get my mom to switch to reusable water bottles over the weekend.

5. Since I am going home this weekend my goal is to get my mom to switch to reusable water bottles instead of plastic water bottles. This is going to be hard because she likes the convenience of it and likes that she can just add her crystal light mix and take it to go. I hope that I can find her a reusable water bottle that is the same size that she can fill up with water and her crystal light. I hope over the weekend I am able to change my mom over to reusable water bottles and to think of a way to make my SMART goal a little more challenging.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy