Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Share & Voice: Submitting Assignments Online

This semester I have started submitting my papers and assignments online as often as I can. Although, it is not always possible to submit assignments online, I have made a point to ask my teachers if this would be okay when possible. Currently I am able to submit homework, papers, and assignments online in ALL of my classes. By doing this we would all save on paper, cutting down less trees.  I am not only saving myself money on printing and ink but helping the environment at the same time. I encourage everyone to ask at least one professor if it is okay to submit assignments online via email or web-vista. If you are doing so already, great job; now encourage a friend to do submit online too. I encourage everyone to leave a comment and let me know what their thoughts are and if teachers allow them to submit online too.


  1. Great Idea! I think that posting handouts on moodle and myumd are great ways for professors to cut down on printed materials. I will make an effort to ask my professors about alternative ways to hand in assignments and papers.

  2. I think that schools should start doing this. I think its way easier to do also.
