Thursday, November 12, 2009

Share & Voice: Too much paper?

I think everyone should take a look at this. As I was walking around campus the other day I saw this huge stack of books. I went over to see what they were and the sign read: CAMPUS DIRECTORY 2009-2010 take one!

Personally I think this is a big waste of paper and money by our school. To my understanding this is the directory that every student, faculty, or any website visitor can see on the campus website simply be searching people (website link). I would be interested to hear what everyone else has to say about the use of paper and money spent on these. Please leave a comment I would love to hear your opinion.


  1. yes!!!! I saw this too, I definitely agree that it was a huge waste. I picked up one the first semester I was here, then realized there is NO need for it. I wonder how many get thrown away or hopefully recycled each year...maybe I don't want to know. I will have an award for you on my blog!

  2. Yeah they have a huge pile like this every year! Huge waste, I think hardly anyone takes one.

  3. I saw this too!!! I wonder how many they are left over with each year. Definitely a waste of paper.

  4. Definitely something to be addressed! Perhaps a letter to the editor with your photo included?
