Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6: Weekly Update

SMART Goal: 
My SMART goal is to use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic water bottle everyday for the rest of the semester and hopefully the rest of my life.I was able to achieve my smart goal because last week because I used my reusable water bottle every day of the week! I also achieved my goal of doing other peoples goals. This week I again walked to school one day, took a shower in under two songs, and used reusable bags when I went to the store.

Success and Challenges:
 This week was not full of any challenges, mainly successes! I felt I was successful in doing my goal and attempting others goals. When I went to the store I remembered to bring a reusable bag to pack my stuff in. I also walked to school on Monday. On Tuesday I took a shower in under two songs, it was great I was able to watch more of the Today Show before going to catch the bus. 

I felt really good about this week. Not only did I feel like I got more exercise in the day when walking to school but I also got time to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. I also felt happy that I used reusable bags because I have them so why not use them. I also was impressed that I was able to shower in about 5 minutes. I really didn't think it was possible, although I had the feeling of being rushed, which normally the shower is really relaxing. 

I Learned:  
I learned to take it day by day and slow down. With these last few days being really nice outside I have really taken the time to go outside and enjoy it before there is snow on the ground. I also learned that if I really set my mind to it I can accomplish these goals. For instance I thought there was no way I could get a shower in, in under 6 minutes and I did it in 5 minutes.

Next Week: 
http://yalesustainability.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/bottled-water.jpgNext week I would like to continue to try other peoples goals, perhaps a day of only four sheets of toilet paper. I thought about limiting my caffeine intake but I rarely drink pop, probably 2 pops a month. I also want to try to eat more vegetables and less red meat. Red meat and more vegetables might be a bit of a challenge because I am trying to eat the food I currently have at my apartment before going to the store again. Unfortunately I have left over tacos and no fresh vegetables. 

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. I like that you are trying out other people's goals. Very creative!

  2. It's great your being able to try other goals, keep up the good work!

  3. good job on the exercise and keep it up. Also I think its real cool that your going to try other peopls goals. Good luck!
