Sunday, October 25, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

This week it was assigned to go to the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database and search one product that we use. I decided to search for the mascara I use, called Maybelline full n' soft mascara black. The mascara I use is rated at a six out of 10 on the scale, a six is indicated as moderate hazard. Research studies indicated that this mascara is not linked to cancer, but is linked to developmental/reproductive toxicity, violations, restrictions, and warnings, and allergies/immunotoxicity. The website also gave the ingredients, directions, and warnings from packaging.The ingredients were also listed and gave their hazardous rating. This is good to know because then you can look at the 10's and see which ingredients you should for sure stay away from and what they can do to be hazardous to your body.

This doesn't concern me because I feel this is very minimal, but it does make me wonder what other products have in them that are really dangerous that most don't know about. It is interesting how so much information is not given out to the public. There are a lot that people do not read about this and probably will never see this. It makes me wonder what else I do not know about that is potentially dangerous to me. It is important to think critically here and think about what the actual harm might be to your body. It may be that these products might not do a whole lot to your body or that these products can do a lot of damage. I think I might trust this information more if I knew a little bit more about who is putting up this information and how accurate the information is.


  1. I agree it is just not right how so much information is kept from the general public. There could be some crazy things going on that we will never even know about.

  2. It was hard for me to believe everything this site had to say. I think they are skewing their results to make products look much more hazardous than they may be. However, I think they do a good job of showing us that we should be aware of these materials in the products we use everyday.

  3. Yeah its scary that alot of these products are actually dangerous and I know I wouldnt really have any clue unless for this assignment.
