Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

1. My SMART goal is to use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic water bottle everyday for the rest of the semester and hopefully the rest of my life.I was able to achieve my smart goal because last week because I used my reusable water bottle every day of the week! My other goal was to get my mom to use a reusable water bottle. I was successful in this goal as we went to the store and got her a good reusable water bottle that she would use. We were able to find her one that was about equivalent to a standard plastic water bottle so she could fill it up with the easy to go flavoring water she likes.

2. I felt very successful in getting my mother a water bottle and getting her to use it. While I was home she used it for two days straight. It was however a bit of a challenge when she said she doesn't like the water bottle because it leaks a little bit. I am not sure if the cap was not on tight enough or if the water bottle is just not the best one out there. If so I plan to deal with this by going back and getting her a better water bottle that I have used and know will be a good product.

3. I felt very excited and proud that my mom was so willing to change to a reusable water bottle. I think a lot of people want to change they just don't have someone telling them why they should change. I also felt a bit frustrated when the water bottle was leaking but that is easily fixable with a new water bottle or making sure the cap is one tight enough.

4. I learned that some people just need that little extra push in telling them about the benefits of using a reusable water bottle and not using a plastic water bottle. For my mother she knew it was not making sense financially to buy plastic water bottles and only knew a little about the environmental effects it has, therefore I was able to inform her a little more.

5. My plans for next week are to continue using a reusable water bottle every day. I also plan to check in on my mother and make sure that she is using hers and that she is happy with the switch. If she is unhappy with her water bottle I want to go get her a new one so that she can stick to her goal too.  I also plan to talk with my brother and his wife to see what they use for water bottles while they are at work and while they workout.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. Thats cool that your mom is doing it to! Good joB at keeping it up

  2. Great job getting your family on board with this as well. I am interested in hearing what your brother and his wife say about using reusable water bottles.

  3. Good job on keeping up with your goal. I lost my re-useable bottle and over this weekend I finally went and bought another one.
