Monday, September 28, 2009

Share & Voice: Great Minnesota Beach Sweep 2009

On Sunday September 27, the Great Lakes Aquarium help their annual Great Minnesota Beach Sweep. I volunteered at this event to help clean up the Duluth parks, riverbanks, and streams. I chose to help clean up Chester Park, there was a great turn out; the rain didn't keep anyone away. It was really great to see so many people that care about their community out there cleaning up. As you clean up your garbage they ask you to keep a data sheet on what kind of garbage you pick up. It was interesting to see what kind of things people think it is okay to litter. The most frequent item I picked up was remains from cigarettes.
The event was even covered by channel 10/13 news. The news stated that the most found item was cigarette remains. This in fact was the most common piece of garbage that I picked up. The event was a great way to enjoy the outdoors while doing a little for your community. This was a really fun event and I hope more people are encouraged to pick up trash they find.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read about this event!


  1. Thats awesome that you got out there and helped out. I dont like how cigerette remains were the most found piece of garbage. Bugs me alot because it shows how lazy people can be..I mean cmon all you gotta do is put it in the ash tray.

  2. Thanks for contributing to a cleaner environment, Amanda! This is a great first Share & Voice post!

  3. What an awesome opportunity! I agree with Keith I find it extremely annoying that some people go out of their way to smoke, especially in areas they shouldn't, and then can't even pick up the butts. Thank you for making that area cleaner!!!!

  4. Way to go with helping out, I hope to participate in an event like this soon. Trash clean-ups are such a good way to help the environment!
