Thursday, October 1, 2009

Read 'n' Seed: Don't Eat This Book: Fast Food and the Supersizing of America

I chose to read the book "Don't Eat This Book: Fast Food and the Supersizing of America," by Morgan Spurlock. This book is about Spurlock's experiment in eating fast food everyday. He talks about the politics, power, and pounds in the fast food industry. Spurlock also talks about America's struggle with obesity and how it relates to fast food. Spurlock takes a look at how eating fast food affects a persons health and how eating unhealthy can cut years from your life. I chose this book because of my interest in nutrition and staying healthy and to see what people go through when they eat this way.
I was able to learn more about Morgan Spurlock and other books and movies by him, through the research (website below). I found this book on, where many consumer and editorial reviews were given. The consumer reviews really spiked my interest to read "Don't Eat this Book: Fast Food and the Supersizing of America."

More about "Don't Eat This Book: Fast Food and the Supersizing of America:"
This book is 320 pages long, over 16 chapters. My plan is to split up the reading so that it is roughly even throughout the semester. I plan to read chapters 1-5 as the first quarter of read 'n' seed, chapters 6-8 as the second quarter, chapters 9-12 as the third quarter, and chapters 13-16 as the fourth quarter of my book.
I hope as I read this book I am able to share a lot of tips to stay healthy and why it is important to avoid eating fast food all the time.


  1. This looks like a very interesting book to read. I have seen the movie "Supersize Me" and although I found it extremely disgusting it also was very interesting. I am excited to read your reviews of this book and see the different topics that re discussed in it.

  2. Looks like a great book! I watched the documentary called Supersize Me, where he ate McDonalds for every meal for a month, and it is seriously gross. To think this is how people live...

  3. THis book looks really cool. I always get interested in these kind of things. I cant wait to hear more!
