Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reflection Post: Weeks 1 & 2

Reflection: September 14, 2009 and September 21, 2009

             The first week of Environmental Health was a lot of fun. We first did an activity with the entire class, where we problem solved to fit everyone in a circle. It was a great activity to get to know people and work together. I was also able to learn a lot about how to set up a blog for myself. At first I was a little nervous and thought it might be hard to figure out. I have discovered the more I use blogger, the more I understand it. I learned that although I am not always that open to trying new things, once I put my mind to it, it’s not always as hard as I thought it would be.
                The second week of class we discussed a few quotes and what we thought they meant. My favorite quote from class was, “Where flowers bloom, so does hope,” -Lady Bird Johnson. I think this quote can have many different meanings. The first thing I think of is how flowers grow in living areas. Living plants are essential to our earth and contribute to the environment it so many ways. This quote makes me think more about littering and trash in out earth. If I start doing what I could to pick up trash, there would be more hope for flowers to bloom. I have learned that even though I am just one person my impact can make a difference and hopefully others will see what I am doing and follow. Other quotes were discussed in class and many students had really great comments. The second part of class I learned about how to set up my first blog post. It was really exciting and I think I am starting to get the hang of it.
              Have a great weekend everyone! 


  1. Hey Amanda,

    Great post! I am getting more familiar with blogger as well. I didn't realize it could be such an interactive tool. It's very cool and I look forward to learning more about it as well!


  2. I thought the quote activity to was quite cool and fun. Made me think a little more openly and opened my eyes. This bloggin stuff was hard at first but I think i am getting the hang of it.
