Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflection Post: Week 11 & 12

In the eleventh week of Environmental Health we looked at The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard. This video had many interesting facts such as the US uses 30% of the worlds resources but only takes up 5% of the world. I couldn't believe this, it just goes to show how the US needs to change a few things to catch up with current times. Another thing that was stated was "toxins in toxins out," what you put in is coming out and going into our bodies. This was interesting because a lot of what we put in out body, we do not know where is was produced or what surroundings it was in before it came here. This is especially important to think about when eating meat or chicken for a large meat producer. Overall it was important to take away from this short video that we should not to waste resources. In the second half of this class period we did a junking activity. It was a lot of fun! There were five different items that were passed around and we were to look at them and come up with ideas on what they could be used for now. Our group thought of a lot of cool ideas, mainly candle holders. It was really neat to look at these items and brain storm what you could make them into.

Week 12:
In the twelfth week of Environmental Health we shared out Photo Essay's with the class. It was really cool to see what everyone was able to come up with. I was glad that we were all able to share them in class because it made it more personal when hearing about their pictures. It was also cool because people went more in depth when talking about items and shared stories that were not in their photo essay. In class we also talked about how to a write a letter to the editor or a letter to your representative. I was able to get a lot of good ideas about what I should put in my letter to my political representative. One thing our class discussed was that it is important to put your sources in and add statistics. Overall I learned a lot for this activity, before we did this activity I was kind of a loss on what to say and how to get my point across. 


  1. the story of stuff was a crazy thing to watch. Its getting close to the end!

  2. I agree with both of you, the story of stuff was very interesting and had some great stats!

  3. I thought the story of stuff was very interesting as well. It was cool to see everyone's photo essay.
