Friday, November 27, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 5: Fourth quarter of "Don't Eat This Book, Fast Food and the Super Sizing of America"

Chapters and Pages
For the fourth quarter of Read 'n' Seed I read chapters 13-16, pages 199 to 268.

Main Topics
One idea brought up in this section of my book was what if people adopted the "penny per calorie" rule. According to my book its states that if a calorie cost a penny, then would you really want to spend $3.60 on a candy bar? Or spend $11-12 on a fast food sandwich? The idea behind this is that maybe that would be a way to get the obesity level in America down without spending money on surgeries or listening to your doctor lecture you on obesity. I thought this was an interesting point, although this will most likely never happen, it would probably change the way things are in America.
The final numbers were in about Morgan Spurlocks 30 day McDonald's diet. Day 1: 185.5 pounds. Day 5: 195 pounds. Which is 10 pounds in five days! By Day 12: 203 pounds. He stated that the experts he talked to though that the weight he gained was water weight due to the massive amounts of sodium in the foods he ate. Day 31: 210 pounds. Morgan Spurlock over the course of a month gained 24.5 pounds after eating McDonald's for a month. For him this weight was 13% of his body weight. He stated that it took him 9 months to completely lose the 24.5 pounds he had ate.

No new terminology this week, as I have been reading this book I have understood more of the terms the author uses.

Although, it is slightly unreasonable to believe that anyone would eat McDonald's for an entire month. Morgan Spurlock showed America what can happen if you continue to eat fast food even 3 days a week. I think most people know that eating this type of food is bad for them but it is just the convenience of the food. I plan to try to eat out less, even at sit down restaurants because some of that food can be just as bad for you as fast food can.


  1. I think this is such an interesting experiment that he did. And I find it absolutely disgusting that he gained 24.5 pounds. Really makes you think about what we are putting in our bodies.

  2. Thats pretty ridiculous.... 24.5 poounds! I think the penny per calorie thing is crazy but hey it might be a good idea some way
