Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

Part I:
Antiques: a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period, and according to many customs laws, at least 100 years ago.
Antiquing: Producing a rich glow on the surface of a leather by applying stain, wax, or oil, allowing it to set, and rubbing or brushing the leather.
Junk: any old or discarded material, as metal, paper, or rags.
Flea Market: a market, often outdoors, consisting of a number of individual stalls selling old or used articles, curios and antiques, cut-rate merchandise, etc.
Thrift Shop: A shop that sells used articles, especially clothing, as to benefit a charitable organization.
Upcycling: involves processing used materials into new products, or the re-use of a product with crippled functionality for alternative purposes, to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution and water pollution by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production, with the intent of creating a product of higher quality design and artistic value.
Resale Shop: The selling of a good to another party after having purchased it.

Part II:
1.What do the terms above have to do with environmental health?
      The terms above have to do with environmental health because they all have to do with some for or reusing or continuing the use of items that some people might normally throw away.
2. Identify at least one local resource for each of the terms above...provide name, location, contact info, and link to website or blog.
Antiques: Father Time Antiques
395 S Lake Ave
Duluth, MN 55802 

Junk: Jadco Special Haulers
4011 Rehbein Rd, Duluth, MN
(218) 724-5538
Products and Services: Recycling, Scrap Materials, Waste Materials

Flea Market: Lake Superior College
2101 Trinity Road
Duluth, MN 55811
Thrift Shop: Dannie Duluth
932 E 4th St
Duluth, MN 55805-2150
(218) 724-8507

Upcycling: I couldn't find anything in Duluth, I did find this from definition and a bit more information from is "The practice of taking something that is disposable and transforming it into something of greater use and value" From the book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things by William McDonough and Michael Braungart.

Resale Shop: Plato's Closet
5115 Burning Tree Road
Suite 315C
Duluth, MN 55811

3. Identify whether you do any or use any of these things. Why or why not?
I honestly am not currently using any of these places. I have in the past been to Plato's closet to sell my clothes and then while I was there looked around to see if there was anything I might want to buy. I tend to go to some of these places to search for Halloween costumes. I don't know why I don't use these places, especially if I am willing to sell them my clothes for others to use. I think as I get older I like to spend my money on things that look nicer. I would buy from these places but I guess with all the big stores out there and being able to save money through sales, I never really thought about looking at second hand items such as clothes.

Part III:
Paris Themed Necklace
This one grabbed my attention because I really like to wear necklaces and having been to Paris, I found this to be really cool and something I would wear myself and would be interested in learning how to make it.
  Simple Monday
This caught my attention because deer hunting season is starting soon and its amazing what you can do with a few things you find outside.
Sometimes its okay to break a dish
I absolutely love this one because once in a high school art class we used broken tiles and made them into a picture (this is called mosaic art). Ever since then I have wanted to do another one but to buy all the materials would be expensive. I think mosaic art is something I want to pick up as a hobby when I am done with college, until then I will just buy mosaic art pieces that I see.


  1. I also haven't really ever used any of these options but I plan to start using them more. A lot of times they have really cool things that you can purchase and also give you the option to sell some of your items.

  2. I like the Paris necklace thats really cool

  3. I agree some of those resale shops are a good place to look for a halloween costume, you just might get lucky and find something great.
