Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update

SMART Goal: 
My SMART goal is to use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic water bottle everyday for the rest of the semester and hopefully the rest of my life.I was able to achieve my smart goal because last week because I used my reusable water bottle every day of the week! My other goal was to check in on my mother and see how she was doing with a reusable water bottle. This week on Monday I also decided to try walking to school, which is a few of my class members goal. It was actually a lot of fun and I would like to walk when it is still nice outside.

Success and Challenges: 
I felt successful this week because I used only my reusable water bottle. I however did drink out of one plastic water bottle this week. I could have prevented drinking from a plastic water bottle but did not think about it ahead of time. The instance was when I was donating blood over the weekend. I went to a blood drive that I had signed up for and when you are finished they want you to drink lots of fluids to replenish. When I was done donating they gave me a water bottle and a snack at what they call the snack station. I of course drank the water from the plastic water bottle, while I was waiting to be able to leave. I should have thought about this ahead of time because I have donated blood before and know they have you drink water after, of course my reusable water bottle was in the car, but I had to wait 10 minutes to leave and needed to drink wanted right then. A challenge this week was when I talked to my mother about her switching to a reusable water bottle. I asked my mother how it was going with her reusable water bottle and she told me that she lost it. I was rather disappointed. I decided that instead of getting a $4 water bottle that she didn't really care about and probably lost it at work, I am going to show her some of the really cool water bottles that we have talked about in class, like the glass ones. May be this way she will have more interest and will be more careful about where she sets it down.

I felt frustrated when I found out my mother lost her water bottle because I told her about how she will save and all these important things that go along with reusable water bottles. In the end I was disappointed because it seemed like she didn't care. I hope to get her on the right track with a new water bottle.

I Learned:
I learned this week that it takes time to make changes, may be it was easier for me to switch to reusable water bottles because it is actually something that I want to do and for my mother may be she didn't want to switch yet. I also thought that may be she didn't care about the goal because she didn't track it and measure her goal or even set goals for herself.

Next Week: 
I plan to continue on my goal of drinking only out of my reusable water bottle. I also plan to think ahead on when I might actually need my water bottle so that I am not using a plastic water bottle even if it is being offered to me. This week I would also like to use reusable bags when I go to the store for groceries or items I need. To make my goal a little more challenging I want to start trying out other people's goals for a day or two. 

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. Im sorry your mom lost her watter bottle. I also thinkt hat trying out other peoples goals to is a unique way of making yours more challenging! good luck!

  2. I love, love, love the picture you used for this blog. Too bad your mom lost her water bottle but good idea with showing her some of the nicer ones.

  3. Good Job this week! I bet you thought a lot about that one plastic bottle a lot. haha.
