Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Share & Voice: Environmentally ConsciousOptions (ECO)

I saw a television commercial about a company called Environmentally Conscious Options (ECO) and decided to look at their website and find out more. ECO is located in Duluth, MN and is founded by Julie McDonnell. ECO has products you can use when building your home that are "easy on the environment." The store offers items such as Eco friendly tile, Eco friendly flooring, earth inspired hardware, non-toxic wall covering, green home furnishings, and earth friendly counter tops.

I thought this was a really cool business. I was really surprised to find something like this in Duluth, usually these type of places are in bigger cities.

The store is located at:
400 West Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55802
phone: 218.626.1118
fax: 218.727.2104



  1. Pretty cool, this is a really neat idea for a store!

  2. I didn't know that there were stores like this in Duluth. It's a very cool idea.
