Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7: Weekly Update

 SMART Goal:
My SMART goal is to use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic water bottle everyday for the rest of the semester and hopefully the rest of my life.I was able to achieve my smart goal because last week because I used my reusable water bottle every day of the week! I also achieved my goal of doing other peoples goals. I also was able to complete others goals. 

Successes and Challenges:  
 I was successful in completing my goal for the week. I also had one day of using four sheets of toilet paper. I walked to school one day last week and felt very good about it, I also saw a few deer along the way! I was not very successful in eating less red meat. This weekend when I was home my mother made a large bowl of chili and sent some back with me to Duluth.

Right now I am a little frustrated because when I went to add a picture it deleted my whole post and then saved it right away so I lost my entire post. Other than that I was feeling pretty good about all my progress for the semester. I was also slightly disappointed because it was only last week that I said I don't drink a lot of pop. However, when I was going home last week I started to get tired, I stopped for gas and also stopped for a can of pop. At least it was a can and not a bottle, there is way less pop in a can than a bottle.

I Learned:
I learned that if I don't have fresh fruits and vegetables at my apartment I don't eat as many and go for a different snack which is usually something that is not as healthy. When I was at home because we had a lot of fruits around that was what I snacked on instead of junk food.

Next Week:
I plan to continue my goal as planned. I also plan to take at least two showers both in 5 minutes or under. I don't think I will walk to school this week as I have to get there at 8am and it is usually pretty cold that early. 

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. great job this week! I just wanted to make sure u saw my award I left on my page for you from your paper blog last week!

  2. Good job on mixing it up and trying new things and seeing deer in the neighborhood is kinda funny haha

  3. It's great you have been trying new goals. A shower in under 5 minutes, thats fast!

  4. Good work. I'm not sure I could shower in under 5 minutes, at least not every day of the week. Good luck!
